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text:eriwan_23:eriwan_23_en [2023/05/24 11:02]
admin [11 May, screening]
text:eriwan_23:eriwan_23_en [2023/05/25 14:41]
admin [7 May, city tour]
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
-Last year in Azerbaijan, I had the feeling that the EU was a promise for people I met there, a distant destination to which getting there would solve all problems. Expectations of Europe were very high. Not so much in what Europe does for others. But rather as an inspiring utopia of a life in wonderful conditions. As if it were hardly possible that someone could not be relaxed and happy there, filled with a serious joy in the gift of their own freedom. At least, that's how I often felt in the East of the West. One would like to have that for oneself too, life in freedom, a distant dream. Slowly, a broad disillusionment sets in about the supposedly wonderful people of the West who appreciate the gift of their freedom. In Poland, this has been the case for a long time.+Last year in Azerbaijan, I had the feeling that the EU was a promise for people I met there, a distant destination to which getting there would solve all problems. Expectations of Europe were very high. Not so much in what Europe does for others, but rather as an inspiring utopia of a life in wonderful conditions. As if it were hardly possible that someone could not be relaxed and happy there, filled with an earnest joy in the gift of their own freedom. At least, that's how I often felt in the East of the West. One would like to have that for themselves too, life in freedom, a distant dream. Slowly, a broad disillusionment sets in about the supposedly wonderful people of the West who appreciate the gift of their freedom. In Poland, this has been the case for a long time.
-Here, on the plane, on the way to Armenia, the enemy of Azerbaijan in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the (I imagine) competitor for the "favour" of the EU. This is something I would like to know here: Azerbaijan and Armenia are in the Council of Europe. Do they both want to be in the EU and is that somehow mutually exclusive? Azerbaijan is an authoritarian country. The Aliyev family decides on the big things, even if they allow a lot of freedom in the small ones. Also to keep the door to the EU open.+Here, on the plane, on the way to Armenia, the enemy of Azerbaijan in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the (I imagine) competitor for the "favour" of the EU. This is something I would like to know: Azerbaijan and Armenia are in the Council of Europe. Do they both want to be in the EU and is that somehow mutually exclusive? Azerbaijan is an authoritarian country. The Aliyev family determine all the big choices, even if they allow a lot of freedom in the small ones. Partly to keep the door open to the EU.
-How is it in Armenia? It's a Christian country, that's a difference. But is there also something like an Aliyev family there that actually controls everything and that you don't mess with? And how significant is the affiliation with the Russian system and image of society? +How is it in Armenia, though? It's a Christian country, that's a difference. But is there also something like an Aliyev family there that in reality control everything and you don't mess with? And how significant is the affiliation with the Russian system and their image of society? 
Zeile 23: Zeile 23:
 {{ :logbuch:eriwan:06-republik.jpg?600 |}} {{ :logbuch:eriwan:06-republik.jpg?600 |}}
-Our city guide tells Doris and me a lot about Yerevan and Armenia. She comes from this city. The name the Armenians call themselves "Haik" is the name of an archer and mythological ancestor. In ancient Armenian it means "he who looks to the sky". The Armenian language is directly rooted in Sumerian, the city guide is convinced. In the Soviet era, her family belonged to the educated class, self-confident and wealthy. Then came the Soviet collapse in 1991 with the radical capitalism that followed it. The roubles in the bank were suddenly worth nothing. There was no compensation for them either. You could not exchange them for Russian roubles Simply gone. In 1993, a new currency was introduced, the Armenian dram.+Our city guide tells Doris and me a lot about Yerevan and Armenia. She comes from this city. The Armenians call themselves "Haik"the name of an archer and mythological ancestor. In ancient Armenian it means "he who looks to the sky". The Armenian language is directly rooted in Sumerian, the city guide is convinced. In the Soviet era, her family belonged to the educated class, self-confident and wealthy. Then came the Soviet collapse in 1991 with the radical capitalism that followed it. The Roubles in the bank were suddenly worth nothing. There was no compensation for them either. You could not exchange them for Russian Roubles, they were simply gone. In 1993, a new currency was introduced, the Armenian Dram.
-Some people in Armenia knew how to make use of the situation. Either because they were already corrupt before, or because they showed an unscrupulous talent for it. The people's assets were sold off among the families and friends of the powerful. New billion-dollar fortunes were created; now they say "the oligarchs" to the profiteers from that period. Haik's descendants with less shrewdness and nefariousness plunged into economic nothingness. Many emigrated. The third beheading of Armenia, the city guide calls it. The first is the genocide in 1915, the second the Stalinist murders and expulsions around 1937. Of the 11 million native Armenian speakers in the world today, only 3 million live in Armenia. And look to heaven with their ancestor, seeking there the hope that is hard to find on earth. +Some people in Armenia knew how to make use of the situation. Either because they were already corrupt before, or because they showed an unscrupulous talent for it. The people's assets were sold off among the families and friends of the powerful. New billion-dollar fortunes were created; now they say "the oligarchs" to the profiteers from that period. Haik's descendants with less shrewdness and nefariousness plunged into economic nothingness. Many emigrated. The third beheading of Armenia, the city guide calls it. The first is the genocide in 1915, the second the Stalinist murders and expulsions around 1937. Of the 11 million native Armenian speakers in the world today, only 3 million live in Armenia. And they look to heaven with their ancestor, seeking there the hope that is hard to find on earth. 
 {{ :logbuch:eriwan:07-komitas-4.jpg?600 |}} {{ :logbuch:eriwan:07-komitas-4.jpg?600 |}}
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