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text:bruessel_23:bruessel_23_en [2023/10/19 10:15]
admin [Freiheit und Willkür]
text:bruessel_23:bruessel_23_en [2023/10/19 10:21]
admin [2. Der Kompromiss]
Zeile 142: Zeile 142:
 The European Union has outgrown its infancy. It is no longer found cute and loved for it. It is no longer promoted like a youth in which hopes are placed. In order to exist today and in the future, the EU must prove itself independently. Does it have the strength to develop further by acting in the harsh reality? For this, it needs an inner stability, something that defines it; an identity. I have been looking for this identity and would now like to answer the question I asked at the beginning of this journey: "Does Europe exist in Brussels?\\ The European Union has outgrown its infancy. It is no longer found cute and loved for it. It is no longer promoted like a youth in which hopes are placed. In order to exist today and in the future, the EU must prove itself independently. Does it have the strength to develop further by acting in the harsh reality? For this, it needs an inner stability, something that defines it; an identity. I have been looking for this identity and would now like to answer the question I asked at the beginning of this journey: "Does Europe exist in Brussels?\\
-===== Was ist "Europa" in Brüssel? =====+===== What is "Europe" in Brussels? =====
-Die EU wird manchmal als herzloses Bürokratie-Monster wahrgenommen und dargestelltDas Ziel meiner Reise war, mir darüber klar zu werden, ob ich hinter dem, was die EU tut einen Sinn erkennen kannHinter den Regeln und Verordungenden überbordenden Evaluationenden manchmal entmündigenden EinmischungenEinen Sinn, den ich mir nicht nur wünschesondern der mir als etwas Vorhandenes begegnet.\\+The EU is sometimes perceived and portrayed as a heartless bureaucratic monsterThe aim of my trip was to see if I could make sense of what the EU doesBehind the rules and regulationsthe excessive evaluationsthe sometimes incapacitating interferenceA meaning that I not only wish forbut that I encounter as something that exists.\\
-Die folgenden drei Prinzipien halte ich für tiefe Überzeugungen bei der EU in BrüsselNicht als Regelnsondern sie gehören zu einer Haltung, vor der Regeln sich rechtfertigen müssen und aus der heraus neue Regeln entstehen können+I consider the following three principles to be deep convictions at the EU in BrusselsNot as rulesbut they belong to an attitude to which rules have to justify themselves and out of which new rules can emerge
-==== 1. Der Proporz ==== +==== 1. Proportional representation ==== 
-Niemand in Europa soll einen Vorteil haben gegen jemand AnderenKeine Nationkeine Sprachekeine Staatengruppekein Geschlechtkeine Minderheitkeine Mehrheitkein Bildungslevelkeine Behinderungkeine GesinnunguswUnd niemand soll über irgendetwas alleine ohne die anderen bestimmen können. \\+No one in Europe should have an advantage over anyone elseNo nationno languageno group of statesno genderno minorityno majorityno level of educationno disabilityno creedetcAnd no one should be able to decide on anything alone without the others. \\
-==== 2. Der Kompromiss ==== +==== 2. The compromise ==== 
-Alle müssen sich dauernd einigenInnerhalb der KommissionInnerhalb der parlamentarischen Ausschüsseinnerhalb des RatesInnerhalb der beratenden GremienDurch den Proporz ist das sehr schwer und wahrscheinlich oft sehr frustrierendEin Beamter aus dem Rat der Regionen sagt es so: „Ein guter Kompromiss istwenn alle unzufrieden sind.“ Gewinnenso verstehe ich ihnwill man zusammenNicht einer gegen den anderen.+Everyone has to agree all the timeWithin the CommissionWithin the parliamentary committeeswithin the CouncilWithin the consultative bodiesBecause of proportional representation, this is very difficult and probably often very frustratingAs one Council of Regions official puts it"A good compromise is when everyone is unhappy." Winningas I understand himis about winning togetherNot one against the other.
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text/bruessel_23/bruessel_23_en.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/10/23 10:45 von admin